Animated Beer Labels
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Animated Beer Labels
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Checks out.
A Beginner’s Guide to Craft Beer, courtesy of Buzzfeed
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Everything you need to start drinking beer in one big image set.
Anonymous asked:
No version for Android?! :/
We’re working on it! Promise! It’s just taking longer than we expected.
Anonymous asked:
Please finish your android version as soon as possible! I really want this app!
At this point, the release can be measured in weeks…
Rudy continues to stifle my versioning creativity, refusing to consider anything beyond “sequential numbers” for our release names. So this month we’re “proud” to announce Craft Check v1.0.3 (but not as proud as we would have been to announce Craft Check v1.0.MonkeysDoingPeopleThings.)
So you may have noticed that with our last release, there were certain things that were - and hang on here because I’m about to get pretty technical - “broken.” For those new to the tech world, “broken” is a term that denotes “functioning at less than optimal capability.” In this case, certain types of UPC codes - ironically, the kind that are most commonly used on MillerCoors products - scanned improperly about 20-30% of the time, which is just enough to ensure tracking them down is a major pain in the ass.
So we didn’t. We’ve got things to do here, people.
Instead of spending weeks on end trying to figure out why this thing happened sometimes but not always, we just replaced the scanning stack and now things work the way they should have the entire time. Easy, peasy, lemon squee - no. Stop fucking putting lemons in my beer. Limes are okay in certain circumstances. Oranges are never okay - it’s beer, not a fruit salad.
I guess what I’m trying to say is: when life gives you lemons (or oranges), keep them out my beer.
The app is so simple it’s scary. If craft beer is your thing then this is the best $0.99 you’ll ever spend.
If you’ve already downloaded Craft Check, thanks and make sure to update! If you haven’t, get it here!
Official Release Notes for Craft Check Version 1.0.2 (which Rudy wouldn’t let Barrett submit as 1.0.potato):
There were some things that were wrong. We made them less wrong.
- Updated our database to add over a hundred new American Craft Breweries and changed some entries to reflect the current state of the beer industry as of March 1st, 2014.
- Changed some language in our About page to get rid of typos that Barrett introduced due to “market research.“
It's been a fun month. First the Brewers Association made some big changes to their definition of Craft Brewery, and then we were interviewed by Fortune Magazine!
We’ve also had a huge influx of new users this month (Hi! Thanks!) so to answer some of the more common questions:
Yes, we’re working on an Android version.
No, we don’t have a firm release date yet, but it’s a priority.
Yes, there’s a weird scanning bug that most commonly manifests with short UPC codes often used by MillerCoors products like Leinenkugel and Miller Lite - we’re working on a fix and will submit an update as soon as possible.
Yes, we’re looking at different ways to include more information about the beers you scan.
No, we’re not going to turn into Untappd or TapHunter, mainly because Untappd and TapHunter are already awesome and do what they do really well.
No, our database isn’t perfect, so-
Yes, we always appreciate when you email us info on beers that we may have gotten wrong.
No, we weren’t really prepared for international press for our first version of Craft Check.
Yes, it was awesome and we totally called our parents.
Yes, we like hearing any feedback and suggestions you have.
Yes, even if that feedback is "your stupid.” (A real email, that one.)
Anything else you want answered, feel free to ask us or just email Barrett.
Anonymous asked:
This app is dumb. What a waste of time to fight like 6 yr olds on what is and isn't a craft beer.
Six year olds should not be fighting about beer.
Good craft beer is hard to find. You might not know it, but most of the “craft” and “micro” breweries you see at your local store are actually made by the same assembly line multinational macrobreweries you see advertised nationwide.
So to help you distinguish the real craft breweries from the macrobrewed impostors, we made Craft Check for iPhone.
Just use your iPhone to scan the barcode of the beer you’re looking at, or search by brewery to instantly find out whether it’s an authentic craft brewery or just an imitation crafty brew from the big guys.
Craft Check: Drink Craft - Not Crafty.